Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Angie & Mia

My older sister/bestfriend, and my neice Mia, who is the sweetest and funniest (almost) 4 year old. I am so lucky to have both of them in my life! I LOVE YOU GUYS! Rough start with Mia being tired & temper tantrums :) But after a whole lotta sugar and pep talks from her auntie MoMo we were ready to go! We went down to shoreline village, and even though it was beyond crowded it was still so much fun... :) I am so happy with how these turned out, and I hope my sister and everyone else does too! Here are some faves...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Brittany beach shoot

Brittany and I shot together a few months ago, and her mom contacted me for some more photos, this time at the beach. We had so much fun, and I was so happy to have Audrey there helping me! We had a blast, had wonderful weather and lighting and I am so happy with how the images turned out. Brittany is such a beautiful girl and I can totally tell how much she has progessed in the last 6 months... :) Here are some favorites!